Activities of the Department

Mission Organic Value Chain Development For North Eastern Region (MoVCD)

Realizing the potential of organic farming in the North Eastern Region of the country Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare has launched a Central Sector Scheme entitled “Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region”, with an aim to develop certified organic production in a value chain mode to link growers with consumers and to support the development of entire value chain starting from inputs, seeds, certification, to the creation of facilities for collection, aggregation, processing, marketing and brand building initiative.

Jhum-Fallow Management

Fallow is necessary for continuous and successful jhum cultivation. It allows natural regeneration and succession, allows the soil to replenish its natural fertility through litter decomposition, organic matter decomposition and nutrient recycling. The Soil of Nagaland is relatively less fertile and prone to erosion. The farmers are therefore heavily dependent on the ecological processes and thus with the incorporation of trees like Alder trees in their jhum lands before the field is left fallow.

Integrated Pest Management (RKVY)

Integrated Pest Management program is successfully implemented in the state. It has been instrumental in creating awareness among the farming community on the harmful effects of chemical pesticide residues and indiscriminate use of pesticides in the farmer’s field. The conservation of flora and fauna is prioritized during the training emphasizing the identification of farmer-friendly insects.

Achievements during 2016-17 under IPM (RKVY)

Integrated Nutrient Management

Continuous cultivation of crops year after year without adding any manures and fertilizer depletes soil fertility. Therefore, it is necessary to use both organic manures and fertilizers to increase crop productivity to maintain soil fertility status. The main aim of this programme is to encourage farmers to use both organic manures and chemical fertilizers as an integrated approach for sustainable Agriculture. Various components viz. Green manuring, bio-composting, vermicomposting and distribution of Soil Health Cards.