State Bio- Control Laboratory, Medziphema
Department of Agriculture, Government of Nagaland
A Brief Report
The State Bio-Control Laboratory, Medziphema, under the Department of Agriculture, Government of Nagaland, was inaugurated in the year 2000. The main objective of the bio control laboratory is the mass production of bio agents for control of pest and diseases. The bio control agents are an integral and indispensible part of Integrated Pest and Disease management. With the Government of Nagaland emphasis on the march towards Organic Agriculture, the importance of bio control lab has gained of immense importance. Production of bio agents at Bio Control lab, Medziphema began in 2001 and since then, the lab has grown in leaps and bounds in its production capacity and addition of new bio-control agents as per the need based of the farmers of Nagaland.

The State Bio-Control Laboratory, Medziphema, is one among 31 State Bio Control Labs in the country established under Grant-in- Aid by Government of India under the Xth and XIth Plan. It is the only laboratory in the state and few among the country venturing into mass multiplication of bio agents. The laboratory has been at the forefront in the promotion of Integrated Pest Management and biological control of pest and diseases. It has been providing bio-agents, quality cultures, working knowledge and experiences in biological control.
The aims and objectives of the Bio-Control Laboratory, Medziphema
- Multiplication of bio-agents in the laboratory and subsequent release in the farmer’s fields against their target pests.
- Conservation and augmentation of natural enemies already present in the farmer’s fields.
- Monitoring and surveillance of insect-pest, disease, weeds and bio-agents situation on major crops.
- Training to the trainers & farmers in identification, production, utilization and evaluation of bio-control agents.
Standardization of methods of mass production of predators, parasitoids & pathogens.
Bio-agents produced at Bio-Control Laboratory, Medziphema:
- Trichogramma japonicum
- Trichogramma chilonis
- Trichogramma brassicae
- Trichoderma viride
- Trichoderma harzianum
- Trichoderma konigii
- Pseudomonas flourescense
C) Production Status:
Since the start of mass production of bio agents, the State Bio-Control Laboratory, Medziphema has produced about 2,730 million egg parasitoid of Trichogramma spp. It has also produced about 50 metric tonnes of talc based formulation of bio-pesticides viz. Trichoderma spp and Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Bio agents produced from 2001 till date:
Sl no. | Bio-agent | Production 2001 till date |
1 | Trichogramma spp. | 2,730 million egg parasitoid |
2 | Trichoderma Talc based | 30 metric tonnes |
3 | Pseudomonas flourescens | 20 metric tonnes |
D)Mode of Distribution:
- The bio agents produced at the laboratory are distributed free of cost to the farmers through the direction of the Director of Agriculture, through the various District Agricultural Offices, Sub Divisional Agriculture Offices, Research Stations and offices located throughout the state. Positive feedbacks and responses have been received from the farmers across the state.
- The bio-agents are mainly distributed during two important seasons: Kharif and Rabi season. In addition to this, the bio agents are produced and made available to the farmers throughout the year.
E) Achievements from the year 2001 till date:
- The laboratory has produced about 2,730 million egg parasitoid of Trichogramma spp. It has also produced about 50 metric tonnes of talc based formulation of bio-pesticides viz. Trichoderma spp and Pseudomonas fluorescens.
- Introduction and Mass multiplication of Trichogramma bassicae during 2009-2010.
- Establishment of NPV (Nucleo Polyhydrosis Virus) unit in 2014
- Successful introduction and multiplication of Trichoderma harzianum with mother culture from NIPHM, Hyderabad in 2015.
F) Ongoing Research and Development:
- Standardization of rearing techniques host insect viz.Spodoptera litura for production Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus.
- Standardization of multiplication techniques for mass production of Chelonus blackburnii as egg and larval parasitoid for control of various pests.
Dated : 20th Aug. 2017
Place : Medziphema SBCL.
Submitted by
Bio-Control Laboratory