Agriculture Census is a time bound Central Sector Plan Scheme which is being implemented in the State since its inception of the scheme in 1970-71.
The Central Government provides cent percent fund for maintenance of 7 (seven) nucleus staff headed by a Deputy Director (AC). The Agriculture Census in India is conducted quinquennially (after every 5 years) on recommendation of the National Commission on Agriculture. There are two surveys (i) Agriculture Census (phase-I & II) and (ii) Input Survey (phase- III) as follow up program. The reference period is the Agriculture year i.e. from July to next June.
Accordingly, the 10th series of Agriculture Census 2015-16 as reference year has been launched in February 2016. The State Level Training for field functionaries was conducted on 24th June 2016 and the field survey work for both phase I & II have been completed during the month of October 2016 within stipulated period of time.
Data entry work is being initiated here in the Directorate (State Headquarter) as per the directive of the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.